Welcome to Mindful Rebel Studio! I’m Joan, a lover of movement, fitness and health. If you’ve been searching for a safe, inviting, private studio experience to improve your fitness, look no further as MRS might be the place for you. Below you’ll get a detailed look into what working with me is like, right from the moment we first communicate.



After we first communicate via email, whether it be you organically finding me or me reaching out to you, we book either a phone consult and/or an in person consultation. Typically, a phone consult comes first to discover your movement history, needs & wants, scheduling, and anything else that pertains to our potential partnership. These calls can last anywhere between 15 mins to 60 mins depending on how much time we both have.

Ocasionally, we may bypass a phone chat and instead, go straight to an in person consultation and discovery hour. Regardless, we will still meet in person with or without a phone call.



Before the movement assessment, we’ll continue our discussion from the phone chat. We’ll continue to familiarize ourselves in more detail
with each other’s backgrounds, who we are as individuals and how we can best partner to provide you with the highest caliber service and support via a very human and warm experience. We also get all the knitty gritty elements out of the way like scheduling, pricing, travel time to the studio, parking, communication strategies, studio rules, and future long term plans.

Towards the end of our in person consult and discover hour, I will move you through a mobility and movement assessment which make take up to 15 minutes. Here, I will request you to perform various exercises which may or may not be familar to you. Additionally, I will perform a mobility and breathing assessment via passive and active strategies. This will provide me with enough data to know what direction to take your program which will be highly specific to you and your needs and wants.

The in person consultation is an hour long.



Here is where the fun begins, truly! Once we’ve completed the consultation process, we can now start training. A typical session looks like something like this:

+ 2:00 quick bike warm up
+ 4 - 7 mins of movement prep pertaining to your workout
+ 50 mins of SOLID training

Whatever background you may have, I will approach you with the lens you most need whether it be softness, toughness, patience, warmth, or a combo of these elements. Adaptation to the individual and meeting you where you are is a major key to our long term success.

Know that this process is difficult, takes time, patience, and effort…. but even so, challenging things are almost always worth doing.. and the wonderful thing about it is that you will never be alone through it all. This is a PARTNERSHIP, a relationship that requires effort on both our parts and so all I ask of you is to trust the process while mantaining your curiosity. I am not above being wrong or needing to change my strategy or approach, and so I will always adapt to changing circumstances, needs, schedule, long term desires or whatever may come our way.

Know that blips and bumps may happen through the process. No one is immune to getting hurt (contrary to popular belief, even the strongest and fittest individuals can have a blip in their training), changing schedules, moves, job or career changes, monetary changes, etc and so we will cross each bridge as it comes. No matter what, I highly encourage you to continue moving, taking care of the body you’ve been given and grant me a chance to guide you through unfamilar territory.

Are you ready?


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